- Spreen, G et al.: "CIMR – Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer," Nationale Forum für Fernerkundung und Copernicus "Copernicus gestaltet", Berlin, Germany, 27-29 Nov., 2018. Invited Talk
- Spreen, G., and R. Kwok: "Changes in Arctic Sea Ice Dynamics: Ice Speed, Wind, and Thickness Change," Polar2018, SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 19–23 Jun., 2018. Talk
- Melsheimer, C., G. Spreen, Y. Ye, and M. Shokr: "Sea Ice Type Distribution in the Antarctic from Microwave Satellite Observations," 27. Internationale Polartagung, Rostock, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, Germany, 25–29 Mar., 2018. Talk
- Spreen, G.: "Remote Sensing of Sea Ice in the Arctic: From Long Time Series to Recent Developments," The 2nd Conference of the Digital Belt and Road (DBAR 2017), Hong-Kong, China, 6–8 Dec., 2017. Keynote Talk
- Spreen, G., P. Itkin, and R. Kwok: "Changes in Arctic sea ice dynamics: ice thinning, wind, and storms," Polar Ice, Polar Climate, Polar Change, International Glaciological Society, Boulder, CO, USA, 14-19 Aug. 2017. Talk
- Spreen, G., and R. Kwok: "Changes in Arctic Sea Ice Drift Speed and Circulation with a Focus on Recent Years," The Arctic Science Summit Week 2017, Prague, Czech Republic, 4-7 Apr. 2017. Keynote Talk
- Spreen, G., M. Gerken, C. Haas, S. Hendricks, C. Melsheimer, M. Nicolaus, R. Treffeisen, J. Notholt, and G. Heygster: "Sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic: Recent developments and understanding," DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Bremen, Germany, 13-17 Mar. 2017. Talk
- Spreen, G.: "Sea ice monitoring at the University of Bremen," International Workshop on Glocal Monitoring: Constructing Glocal Monitoring System for safe and secure society, Tokai University, Tokyo and Hiratsuka, Japan, 24-25 Feb. 2017. Invited Talk
- Spreen, G., R. Kwok, D. Menemenlis, and A.T. Nguyen: "Sea-Ice Deformation in a Coupled Ocean-Sea Ice Model and in Satellite Remote Sensing Data," AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, USA, 12–16 Dec. 2016. Poster
- Wendisch, M., M. Brückner, and G. Spreen: "(AC)3: A German Initiative to Study Arctic Amplification—Climate Relevant Atmospheric and Surface Processes and Feedback Mechanisms," AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, USA, 12–16 Dec. 2016. Talk
- Spreen, G., R. Kwok, E. Hansen, J. King, and S. Gerland: "Arctic Sea Ice Volume Export through Fram Strait from Combined Satellite and Upward Looking Sonar (ULS)," ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-13 May 2016. Talk
- Spreen, G.: "Cooperative Junior Research Group in Remote Sensing of Sea Ice: Previous Work and a Look Ahead," Seminar on Physics and Chemistry of the Atmosphere, IUP, Bremen, Germany, 23 October 2015. Talk.
- Spreen, G.: "Cooperative Junior Research Group in Remote Sensing of Sea Ice: Previous Work and a Look Ahead," Vortragsreihe "Freitagsseminar", AWI, Bremerhaven, Germany, 14 October 2015. Talk.
- Spreen, G., R. Kwok, E. Hansen, and S. Gerland: "Changes in Fram Strait Sea Ice Volume Export between 1992 and 2012 and Implications for the Arctic Sea Ice Mass Balance", Arctic Frontiers 2015 - Climate and Energy, Tromsø, Norway, 18-23 January 2015. Talk.
- Spreen, G., E. Hansen, R. Kwok, J. King, and S. Gerland: "Changes in Fram Strait Sea Ice Volume Export between 1992 and 2012 Observed in Combined ULS and Satellite Data", International Symposium on Sea Ice in a Changing Environment, International Glaciological Society, Hobart, Australia, 10–14 Mar. 2014. Talk.
- Spreen, G., A.H.H. Renner, M. König, S. Gerland, O. Pavlova, A.P. Doulgeris, Ø. Rudjord, C. Wang, J. Beckers: "Monitoring Sea Ice Variability in Storfjorden, Svalbard, by Combined Remote Sensing and In Situ Observations", International Symposium on Sea Ice in a Changing Environment, International Glaciological Society, Hobart, Australia, 10–14 Mar. 2014. Poster.
- Spreen, G., E. Hansen, R. Kwok, and S. Gerland: "Fram Strait Sea Ice Volume Export 1992-2012 from Combined ULS and Satellite Data", AGU Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco, USA, 9-13 Dec. 2013. Talk. [Abstract (PDF-File)]
- Spreen, G.: "Three pressing research questions regarding sea ice remote sensing", CliC Norway Sea Ice Workshop, Tromsø, Norway, 18-19 Feb. 2013.
- Spreen, G., R. Kwok, and D. Menemenlis: "Trends in Arctic sea ice drift and role of wind forcing: 1992–2009", AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, USA, 5-9 Dec. 2011. [Abstract (PDF-File)]
- Spreen, G.: "Arctic sea ice dynamics: recent changes in ice drift speed and the importance of sea ice deformation", Seminars of the CASPO (Climate, Atmospheric Sciences, Physical Oceanography) unit at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA, USA, 16 Nov. 2011. [Abstract (PDF-File)]
- Spreen, G., R. Kwok, D. Menemenlis, and A.T. Nguyen: "Arctic Sea Ice Deformation and Model Evaluation Using the MITgcm and Satellite Observations", 15. Arctic Ocean Model Intercomparison Project (AOMIP) Workshop 2011, Woods Hole, MA, USA, 1-4 Nov. 2011.
- Spreen, G., R. Kwok, and D. Menemenlis: "Trends in Arctic sea ice drift and role of wind forcing: 1992–2009", WCRP Open Science Conference, World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), Denver, CO, USA, 24-28 Oct. 2011. [Poster (PDF-File)]
- Spreen, G., R. Kwok, D. Menemenlis, and A. T. Nguyen: "Sea Ice Deformation in MITgcm ECCO2 solutions", ECCO2 Science Meeting, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA, 4-5 May 2011.
- Spreen, G., R. Kwok, and D. Menemenlis: "Trends in Arctic Wind Speed and Sea Ice Speed During 1992-2010: Reanalysis, Model, and Observations", 11th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, USA, 2-5 May 2011. [Abstract (PDF-File)]
- Spreen, G., R. Kwok, D. Menemenlis, and A.T. Nguyen: "Arctic Sea Ice Deformation in Satellite Remote Sensing Data and in a Coupled Sea Ice-Ocean Model", AGU Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, USA, 13-17 Dec. 2010. [Abstract (PDF-File)]
- Spreen, G., R. Kwok, D. Menemenlis, and A.T. Nguyen: "Arctic Sea Ice Deformation in Satellite Remote Sensing Data and in a Coupled Sea Ice-Ocean Model", Arctic Ocean Model Intercomparison Project (AOMIP) Workshop 2010, Woods Hole, MA, USA, 19-22 Oct. 2010.
- Spreen, G., R. Kwok, D. Menemenlis, and A.T. Nguyen: "Sea Ice Deformation in a Coupled Sea Ice-Ocean Model and from Satellite Remote Sensing: Comparison and Model Adaptation", IGS Symposium Sea Ice in the Physical and Biogeochemical System, Tromsø, Norway, 31 May - 4 Jun. 2010. [Abstract (PDF-File)]
- Spreen, G., S. Kern, D. Stammer: "Fram Strait Sea Ice Volume Export Estimated Between 2003 and 2008 From Satellite Data", State of the Arctic Conference: "At the Forefront of Global Change", Miami, USA, 16-19 Mar. 2010. [Poster (PDF-File)]
- Spreen, G., D. Menemenlis, R. Kwok, and A. T. Nguyen: "Comparing Arctic Sea Ice Kinematics from Satellite Remote Sensing Data to Coupled Sea Ice-Ocean Model Results", AGU Fall Meeting 2009, San Francisco, USA, 14-18 Dec. 2008. [Abstract (PDF-File)]
- Spreen, G., R. Kwok, D. Menemenlis, and A. T. Nguyen: "Comparing Arctic Sea Ice Kinematics from Satellite Remote Sensing Data to ECCO2 Model Results", ECCO2 Science Meeting, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA, 8-10 Nov. 2009.
- Spreen, G., S. Kern, D. Stammer, and E. Hansen: "ICESat sea ice thickness compared to Upward Looking Sonar (ULS) data in Fram Strait", CryoSat-2 and ICESat Science Team Meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland, 23-26 Jun. 2009.
- Spreen, G., S. Kern, D. Stammer, and L. Kaleschke: "Fernerkundung des Meereisvolumenexports durch die Framstraße für die Jahre 2003 bis 2008", Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG): Frühjahrstagung, Hamburg, Germany, 2-6 Mar. 2009. [Poster (PDF-File)]
- Spreen, G., S. Kern, and D. Stammer: "Satellite Remote Sensing of Fram Strait Sea Ice Volume Flux for Years 2003 to 2008", AGU Fall Meeting 2008, San Francisco, USA, 15-19 Dec. 2008. [Abstract (PDF-File)]
- Spreen, G., S. Kern, and D. Stammer [Invited Talk]: "Sea ice volume flux through Fram Strait from combined satellite remote sensing data for 2003 to 2007", IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'08), Boston, USA, 6-11 Jul. 2008. [Abstract (PDF-File)]
- Spreen, G., S. Kern, D. Stammer und L. Kaleschke: "Satellitenfernerkundung des Meereisvolumenflusses durch die Framstraße und in der Grönlandsee: 2003-2006", DACH: Meteorologentagung 2007, Hamburg, Germany, 10-14 Sep. 2007. [Poster (PDF-File)]
- Spreen, G., L. Kaleschke und A. Tittebrand: "Zeitreihe 2002 bis 2007 der globalen Meereiskonzentration in 6 km Auflösung aus AMSR-E 89 GHz Daten", DACH: Meteorologentagung 2007, Hamburg, Germany, 10-14 Sep. 2007. [Poster (PDF-File)]
- Spreen, G., S. Kern, D. Stammer, and L. Kaleschke: "Satellite remote sensing of sea ice volume (freshwater) flux through Fram Strait and in the Greenland Sea: 2003-2006", CLIVAR: North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre Workshop, Kiel, Germany, 19-21 Mar. 2007. [Poster (PDF-File)]
- Spreen, G., S. Kern, D. Stammer, and R. Forsberg: "About a technique to estimate the sea ice volume flux into the Greenland Sea by use of spaceborne remote sensing", International Glaciological Society (IGS): International Symposium on Sea Ice, Dunedin, New Zealand, 5-9 Dec. 2005.
- Spreen, G., S. Kern, and D. Stammer: "Sea-Ice Volume FLux into the Greenland Sea from Space-borne Remote Sensing", Int. Workshop on Arctic Sea Ice Thickness: Past and Present, Copenhagen, Denmark, 8-9 Nov. 2005. [Poster (PDF-File)]
- Spreen, G., G. Heygster, L. Kaleschke, and S. El Naggar: "Operational Sea Ice Maps for R/V Polarstern from AMSR-E 89 GHz Data", 2nd International Alfred Wegener Symposium, Bremerhaven, Germany, 30 Oct. - 2 Nov. 2005. [Abstract (PDF-file)], [Poster (PDF-File)]
- Spreen, G., L. Kaleschke, and G. Heygster: "Using AMSR-E 89 GHz Channels for Sea Ice Remote Sensing in Regional Seas", Fifth Workshop on Baltic Sea Ice Climate, Hamburg, Germany, 31 Aug. - 2 Sep. 2005. [Abstract (PDF-file)]
- Spreen, G., L. Kaleschke, and G. Heygster: "Operational Sea Ice Remote Sensing with AMSR-E 89 GHz Channels", IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'05), Seoul, Korea, 25-29 Jul. 2005. [Paper (PDF-File)]
- Spreen, G., S. Kern, R. Ezraty, H. Witte, and D. Stammer: "Toward Remote Sensing of the Net Sea Ice Volume Flux in the Greenland Sea", First International CRYOSAT Workshop, ESA ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 8-10 Mar. 2005. [Paper (PDF-File)]