Arantxa María Triana Gómez

University of Bremen
Institute of Environmental Physics
Otto-Hahn-Allee 1, 28359 Bremen, Germany
NW1, office N3375, phone +49 421-21862183
email: agomez(at)

Curriculum Vitae and Research Interests

Arantxa Triana studied physics at the University of Valencia (Spain). After obtaining her diploma, she obtained a master in Remote Sensing in the same university, finishing in 2015 with a thesis about implementing the SEBAL method to calculate evapotranspiration with Landsat data in the Requena area. Since May 2016 she works as a PhD student in the "Remote Sensing of Polar Regions" group at the University of Bremen, as a part of the (AC)³ project ( She is the student's representative for all the PhDs associated to said project.

In her PhD thesis she studies the variability and trends of water vapour in the polar regions, using total water vapour data retrieved from microwave remote sensing imagers (as AMSR-E) and sounders (like AMSU-B).

Her interest on earth sciences comes from her concern about the implications and impact our changing climate can have on the planet. She hopes her research can help to understand this situation better, and she wishes to communicate it to the general public.