
09/2019: ArcTrain annual meeting, Rimouski, Canada. Poster "The 2018 North Greenland polynya observed by a newly introduced merged optical and passive microwave sea-ice concentration dataset"

11/2018: ArcTrain annual meeting, Jouvence, Canada. Poster "Using a 1km resolution merged sea ice concentration dataset to investigate the February 2018 North Greenland polynya"

12/2017: AGU fall meeting, New Orleans, USA. Talk "More than the sum of its parts? A merged product from MODIS and AMSR2 sea ice concentrations"

09/2017: ArcTrain annual meeting, Bremen. Poster "Sea ice concentration from merged passive microwave,
optical and SAR observations"

09/2017: ArcTrain annual meeting, Bremen. Talk "Merged Sea Ice Concentration at 1 km resolution from different satellite products"

03/2017:First (AC)³ Science Conference on Arctic Amplification, Bremen. Poster "Sea ice concentrations at 1 km resolution from combined optical and passive microwave data"

03/2017: DPG spring meeting, Bremen. Talk "Sea ice concentrations at 1 km resolution from combined optical and passive microwave data"

11/2016: FAMOS, Woods Hole, USA. Poster presentation "Towards a merged sea ice concentration product
at 1 km resolution from passive microwave and optical observations"

09/2016: ArcTrain annual meeting, Banff, Canada. Talk "Towards a high-resolution product from merged passive microwave and optical sea ice concentrations - why should one care?"

10/2014: REKLIM conference, Berlin. Poster presentation "Retrieving Sea Ice Concentrations from 1.4 GHz brightness temperatures"

03/2014: DPG annual meeting, Berlin. Poster presentation "Sea ice concentration retrieved from L-band data"